Is Local Advertising Dead?

At Known Creative we recently took a leap into local advertising by creating a vibrant banner for our gym, Seacoast Kettlebell. I know I know…we’ere late to the party! We were so focused on our online strategy that we forgot we had two feet in the real world.

Honestly, the results have been pleasantly surprising! It has sparked conversations and generated new business opportunities immediately. 🚀

Here's why local advertising can be a game-changer:

🤝 Community Connection: Nothing beats the personal touch of connecting with your local community. It builds trust and fosters relationships.

🎯 Visible Impact: Local ads are seen by people who are nearby and likely to visit, making your advertising efforts super targeted and effective.

🌟 Brand Presence: Strengthen your brand presence where it matters. Being visible in your local area creates recognition and loyalty.

💰 Cost-Effective: Compared to broad online campaigns, local advertising can be incredibly cost-effective with a potentially high ROI.

This experience has been a powerful reminder that in a world dominated by digital, tangible, local advertising still holds a significant, impactful place. Let’s not forget the value of investing in our own backyards.

Encouraging all small business owners to consider stepping up their local advertising game. It’s not just an investment in your business, but in your community too. 🌱

Seth Hoffman

Seth is the Owner & Creative Director at Known Creative.

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